A small group of moms recently gathered to enjoy the new movie Mothers Day. With a star studded cast, the story flowed with love and laughter, all the while addressing complicated life lessons.
We laughed and giggled, all the while enjoying our adult friendships, no buckets of popcorn being dropped or endless trips to the restrooms with children in tow. It was the perfect break we moms needed.
Movie Listings Near You http://fandan.co/mothersdaymovie.
Just us moms were brought together by Brianne from Stroller In The City, viewing made possible by @Fandango & snacks provided by @Lindt_Chocolate.
*This is not a compensated post. Solely based on my own opinion.
The post Mothers Day Movie #SITCcelebratesMothersDay appeared first on Long Island Mamas.